
Cannot sell you art for $100? There's more money to be made from it.

"Sun l" by Modern Nature Artist ( Xandra Breban) Make art a priority. ( Amazing how inspiration strikes!) "I have studied art for many centuries, there's no one like me." you might be saying. Well? Want to know some key points that I have noticed about the art world? Sit down, grab some tea and let me tell you the untold truth about making money with art.  For some artists success comes sooner, easier, it comes in a more bountiful way. Why does this happen? It might be in their horoscope, it might be because since five years old they haven't given up. For other artists success comes later in life, after they have been through a lot, after they have overcome many obstacles. How come? Maybe, well not maybe, this is for certain; they're intuition started kicking in later in life and by intuition I mean that they have learned a lot through the years. They have learned the ropes; best gallery to exhibit their art for them personally, what kind ...

Interview with Steve Bonello (he calls Malta home)

Unfinished  Super Moon Propaganda 1. What inspired you to become an artist?  I think it was my exposure to art history in secondary school which originally lit a flicker of interest. When I was like 15 years old or so I started doing precise architectural renderings – mostly from imagination… but I used to love the design, the symmetry – all that. 2. Are you the typical starving artist? ( please explain on this question your job as an artist and if you have another job alongside it or not because people have to see this point and see how to run their art business and whatnot)  I’m surviving. But this needs some explanation. I worked for 30 years at the Maltese national airline (Air Malta) Like most legacy airlines it has suffered in recent years. Five years ago employees were offered a severance package to relinquish their job voluntarily and I took the plunge. After that I worked for 18 months at a land transport company and was then m...

Angel Card Art ( Fashionable?)

I really love this kind of art. It is so remarkable, I honestly love how the angels are depicted. I love how angels are depicted today, alongside so much positivity. Angels are symbols of power and success, having them by your side is so priceless. If you have these cards these angels are always with you, this is so powerful. You don't have to really believe in "the other side", or "other realms" but in my book they do exist. I see angels very frequently outside the corner of my eye and during night time it might be them that you hear, not ghosts per say. I really like describing and writing about angels and art together because this is such a phenomena. Whoever had the idea of putting art of angels on oracle cards is an amazing person. Let me know in the comments below if you know who came up with this idea, I know that there must be various authors. Let's continue talking about the amazing art that is actually of angels; the colors are so superb, no...


  I love my own art...period. I believe that my art is something that is very valuable because life is full of chaos and I make peace with chaos. In this particular painting I painted the "Peace Dragon" because there are so many battles in our lives but we make peace with them. There are so many obstacles in some people's lives but they make peace with it. Simple as this. I painted with two brushes at a time, it took me 5 hours to paint, continuously. I love this painting because of its much color, because I can see the face of the dragon, because it is oil painted. I am very happy how people love my art, it makes them joyful, glee like and I am very glad. The nature of chaos and peace inspired this painting, I used a lot of color because life is full of color, among everything, I wanted this painting to represent life and all its glory. We conquer our battles! with color..with art, with being artistic and youthful. My modern art is all about being young and cari...


I honestly created this blog for myself and for people who are interested in art and fashion. Art and fashion honestly go together, they are very fancy things which we adore. I also created this blog because I thought that I needed a voice to write how I write and to show my originality through writing and through art. I am an original, modern artist, I love to write about my art especially and others art as well. I enjoy helping people, organizing their art in various formats, hearing their story about why they love art and why they decided to make what they make. A lot of people just get up in the morning because they know that they have art that they want to make, they have something to accomplish everyday, being an artist is very phenomenal, it is something so diverse and special. Art has a lot of meaning and I want to write for you what art depicts these days, how art is flowing through life these days, how art is very important to culture, to everyday life. Thank you for being he...